Johnny Hong
Senior Consulting Actuary
Johnny Hong is a Senior Consulting Actuary located in the Los Angeles Area. Johnny has over 16 years of experience consulting with multiemployer and single-employer plans, including defined benefit, defined contribution, non-qualified, and retiree medical plans.
Relevant Experience
In his career working with multiemployer retirement plans, he has worked across a wide array of industries including construction, entertainment, service, and retail food. He has experience consulting on issues ranging from actuarial cost projections, nondiscrimination testing, plan design, mergers, withdrawal liability, plan terminations, asset-liability modeling, and plan administration.
Industry Activities
Johnny has also presented at various seminars and employer group and labor group conferences on topics related to multiemployer retirement plans.
Off the Clock
In his spare time, Johnny enjoys spending time with his family, volunteering at his children’s classrooms, noodling on the guitar, running on the beach, writing, and pursuing fitness goals (currently, it’s working on his Olympic lifts).
Johnny is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, an Enrolled Actuary under ERISA and a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries, and a Fellow of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries. Johnny graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), where he also served as a visiting faculty member at the Department of Mathematics.

Office: 818.691.2016 | Mobile: 209.380.0714